When Quad Coatings & Interiors work with clients, we provide an estimate at no charge to you. The price for the work is something you can then put in your budget and lock it in.

What’s not in your budget is the price tag for things you will pay could be an indirect result of not refreshing the appearance of your office or building every 2-3 years. Those can include:

  • The cost to hire a new employee
  • The cost to replace a tenant
  • The cost to acquire a new customer or client.
  • The cost to retain an existing customer or client.

No employee, prospect, client or tenant is ever going to say they are leaving or declining because of the paint. Yet study after study has revealed the importance of the physical environment in terms of the retention and acquisition of staff, new business and tenants. So, the question remains:

What’s a refresh going to cost your company versus what you will end up paying if you don’t?

Most businesses have some idea if not an exact number at what it costs to replace people/customers/tenants. Compared to the cost of a paint refresh, you may end up being quite surprised at how affordable an investment in your space can be. Perhaps even something you cannot afford not to do.

If you’re interested in exploring possibilities give us a call at 508-748-5022
or email info@quadcoatings.com